Monday 27 May 2024

BirdNet-Pi: upgrading the drive

Time to replace the uSD drive for a larger USB drive.


This is not rocket science...

...but once again, due to my poor memory, I need to record the procedure.

Clearly this procedure is appropriate for any RaspberryPi.

In my case I am upgrading my BirdNet-Pi from a 32GB micro SD card to a 160GB USB drive.


The basic steps are to copy the existing drive to my Linux laptop, copy this image to the new drive, and then expand the rootfs partition to fill the remaining disk space.

On my Linux laptop I use the terminal command dd and the graphical application gparted.

Copy micro SD

connect uSD to laptop

Unmount uSD in file manager

Open Terminal and identify uSD drive by running: lsblk -p

Copy drive to file using dd (in my case):-

 sudo dd bs=4M if=/dev/mmcblk0 of=~/Downloads/raspi_birdnet.img conv=fsync

This can take a while!

Copy image to new drive

Connect USB drive to laptop

Unmount drive in file manager

Open Terminal and identify USB drive by running: lsblk -p

Copy file to drive using dd (in my case):-

 sudo dd bs=4M if=~/Downloads/raspi_birdnet.img of=/dev/sdc conv=fsync 


Expand rootfs on new, larger drive

With new drive still connected to laptop, run gparted

Unmount drive as necessary

Select rootfs

Resize rootfs (drag)

Apply changes

Connect new drive to RaspberryPi and test!

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