Thursday 22 February 2024

OpenWRT + Plusnet Hub One: #3 software install & basic config

Installing the OpenWRT software should have been easy.

I don't think it was all my fault that it wasn't.

Once again, the article on LinuxScrew is the one to follow:

It basically works but there are a few things to note:-

1) Communications with the router appears to be a bit flakey. If the router does not appear to respond correctly at any stage, you may have to repeat the instruction or sometimes return to the start and have another go!

2) I had to add myself to the Dialout group on my Linux laptop using:-

sudo gpasswd -a steve dialout

...because I got Permission Denied from command:-

cat lede-lantiq-bthomehub5a_ram-u-boot.asc > /dev/ttyUSB

(...and you can't simply add sudo to the front of the cat command)

3) You may lose the # prompt (e.g. when you insert the USB stick). Just hit <enter> again to restore.

4) Although you can run the sysupgrade command with the file on the USB stick, when I was having problems, I found advice suggesting it was more reliable with the file located in the router /tmp folder.

5) As the software had been upgraded since the LinuxScrew article, I went over to the OpenWRT site and used the latest release, as recommended in their model/software chart. ...big mistake.

This kept happening...

The reason: "Config cannot be migrated from swconfig to DSA" just made no sense to me. So I tried re-running the process, several times.

Eventually I found a note saying that the latest version does not work with my router. ...brilliant!

I went back one version. Same problem, so then I tried v19.07.7 and the process completed!

basic configuration

When you make changes to OpenWRT via the web browser interface, there is a Save & Apply button. Most of the time, clicking that button is enough ...but not always!

Sometime it appears that you need to reboot the router for changes to take affect.

One example was when trying to select high channels on 5GHz. I think channels 36 - 48 were OK, but any from 52 onwards required a reboot.

I'm not a modem/router fundi so I struggle with the setup. For example in order to get mine working I had to follow some advice I found on a forum:-

Goto Network>interfaces- then click on "Edit" or click on the "WAN" tab

In the "DSL" section enter the following settings

Annex: Annex A + L + M(all)

Tone: A43C + J43 + A43

Encapsulation mode:PTM/EFM(Packet Transfer mode)

DSL line mode: VDSL

Downstream SNR offset: 0.0 dB

Leave the rest as default and click on "Save and Apply"

click on "Edit" or click on the "WAN" tab again

Click on the "Physical settings tab"

From the drop-down scroll to the bottom of the drop-down and in custom enter dsl0.101

Click on save and apply

click on "Edit" or click on the "WAN" tab again

Select PPPoE protocol from the drop-down...

at this point, you may have click on switch protocols to initialise the new protocol

Enter your user-name and password

Click on save and apply

You should now be able to access the Internet via your router

The two frequency bands on my router are called radio0 & radio1.

The Add button allows you to set up network access points (e.g. MAIN & GUEST are associated with the 2.4GHz channel in the example above).

Another thing were I know what it is, but not how to set it up is DNS. So while I can now connect to my scanner/printer or birdnetpi.local via any frequency band, I still have to be associated with the same access point (i.e. the router or the repeater).

I can access birdnetpi via router or repeater by simple using the IP address.

So I still have some work to do on this, but quite pleased with the setup so far.

See also:-

 OpenWRT + Plusnet Hub One: #1

 OpenWRT + Plusnet Hub One: #2

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